Deepshikha Nagpal, who appeared in many television shows and films across the 1990s and 2000s, recently shared that despite getting many offers to play the lead roles in movies, which she declined, she got a chance to play a supporting role in Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Baadshah. Deepshikha, in a new interview, said that after she was cast in a negative role in Koyla, she was starting to get stereotyped in movies but she was still getting great offers in television. But, amid all of that, SRK recommended her for Baadshah. “I did Koyla and Shah Rukh Khan recommended my name in Badshah and I got to know about that later. I started getting those Mona darling type roles after Badshah and I said I don’t want to do all those things,” she shared in a chat with YouTuber Siddharth Kannan. In Baadshah, Deepshikha played the role of Rani, who is working for Amrish Puri’s villain and is tasked with the killing of the lead detective, played by SRK. Since Deepshikha had worked in a few movies with SRK, she recalled that the actor had called her for a meeting during the making of Om Shanti Om but she felt like she was suffering from lack of self-esteem and thus, she decided to skip that meeting. “I remember Shah Rukh was hosting Kaun Banega Crorepati and I went to meet him with my children. He was very busy and he told me that he was going to be shooting for a month for Om Shanti Om and he asked me to come and meet him.