Popular actor and host Imran Ashraf’s ex-wife Karan Ashfaq tied the knot for the second time with Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) focal person and political advisor Hamza Ali Chaudhry. The news of Kiran’s marriage came out yesterday after which the actress herself confirmed it on Sunday. She later shared several glimpses of her big day with her fans on her Instagram account. The marriage ceremony was held on Sunday at Hamza’s residence in Lahore and was attended by close relatives and friends of the couple. The bride and groom chose a white ensemble for the event, with Kiran dressed in a white churidar pajama and kurta. Apart from this, many other videos of her saying “I accept” during her nikah and of her entering a wreath of flowers have taken social media by storm. Kiran also shared a photo of the mehndi ceremony on her Instagram account, in which she, along with her husband, could be seen with turmeric on their hands and faces. Additionally, Kiran’s husband Hamza also shared a story of the same event on his Instagram on which he wrote “Alhamdullah”. Hamza Ali Chaudhry is the focal person and political advisor of PPP and a corporate lawyer by profession. According to Hamza’s Instagram bio, he has also played professional cricket in the past. If you look at Hamza’s Instagram account, it is clear that he is politically active and is a part of every activity as he has shared photos with PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto, PPP Co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari, party leaders Faryal Talpur, Shehla Raza and other important politicians.