Kriti Sanon clarified derogatory allegations about her promoting trading platforms on the popular talk show Koffee With Karan. The Bollywood actress issued an official statement on her Instagram story, slamming media outlets for spreading misinformation. She wrote, “There have been several articles reporting false news about me promoting some trading platforms at Koffee with Karan.” The Mimi actress continued, “These articles are defamatory and are false associating me with the trading platforms. I have never spoken regarding any trading platform on the show.” The 33-year-old actress further shared that she has taken legal action against such false articles and reports and issued legal notice. “I request everyone to be cautious against such false, fake and defamatory reports,” Sanon concluded her note. On the work front, Sanon will be next seen opposite Shahid Kapoor for the first time in an untitled rom-com film. Directed by Amit Joshi, the movie will release in cinemas on February 9, 2024.