Pir Mehr Ali Shah-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PMAS_AAUR) organized a Pomeranian pigeon and Pouter pigeon contest, here on Tuesday. The contest was organized by the University Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (FV&AS), Department of Clinical Studies in collaboration with Pakistan Pomeranian Club (PPC) and Royal Pouter Club (RPC). On the occasion, well renowned International Judge “ALI Al Juldani ” from Oman, was chief guest and appreciated the efforts of PMAS-AAUR for organizing a beautiful contest among different varieties of Pomeranian pigeon and Pouter pigeon. In the show, more than 300 varieties of Pomeranian pigeons were contested in different categories. Grand Champion of the event was Muhammad Asghar Khan Khatak, who is also the president of PPC. Dr Muhammad Arif Zafar Chairman Department of Clinical Studies said that this show was a fantastic and healthy activity for the bird lovers and also for training of DVM students.