Salman Khan returns as India’s beloved hero in the first trailer of Tiger 3, facing off against the formidable Emraan Hashmi, who portrays Aatish. Hashmi’s inclusion in the third installment of the Tiger series, though shrouded in secrecy, delighted fans who were eager to see him in a more ‘mature’ role, complete with a salt-and-pepper beard. Hashmi, portraying a Pakistani intelligence agent, eagerly spoke about his character, describing Aatish as a determined character driven by the relentless pursuit of eliminating Tiger. He emphasised the uniqueness of his villainous role, characterized by cerebral cunning and the ability to influence authorities across borders to execute his sinister plans. Aatish’s unwavering objective is to dismantle Tiger and his family, as they represent India’s premier super agent and he’s determined to accomplish this at any cost. Emraan Hashmi’s role in Tiger 3 came as a delightful surprise to fans. He expressed his eagerness to share details about the film but had to keep it a secret, aware of the significant impact of his character’s revelation. The decision to spotlight the anti-hero in the Tiger 3 trailer has been well-received, with audiences appreciating his menacing performance. According to Pinkvilla, producer Aditya Chopra spared no expense in ensuring justice for Hashmi’s character, with rumors suggesting that the actor’s introductory scene in the film cost Yash Raj Films over INR100 million. Salman Khan’s films are known for their grand introductory sequences, and Tiger 3 is no exception, with a heroic entrance scene designed for him, akin to Katrina’s character in Tiger Zinda Hai. Furthermore, Emraan Hashmi’s antagonist character is set for a larger-than-life introduction, featuring an action sequence with a budget exceeding INR100 million.