Showbiz starlet Nazish Jahangir dropped jaws with her all-black, sheer saree look in the latest set of viral pictures and reel. Taking to her Instagram handle over the weekend, Nazish Jahangir treated her 1 million followers on the social site with the latest reel and some breath-taking pictures, probably from one of the recent wedding outings. In the montage reel, with an old Bollywood classic of Lata Mangeshkar ‘Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Mein’ in the background and captioned with the lyrics of the song, the diva is seen flaunting a black and gold, sheer embellished saree by a Lahore-based design house, paired with a solid sleeveless blouse. She styled the modern traditional look simply with a stack of metal bangles and chaandbalis, along with minimal makeup and her sleek long hair. The ‘Berukhi’ actor also posted a two-picture gallery of the same look, captioned with Bollywood lyrics, “Safar Khubsurat hai manzil se bhi,” which also played on the post. The now-viral posts were showered with love from thousands of social users on Gram and received a massive response in the form of likes and comments. Meanwhile, on the acting front, Nazish Jahangir has superhit projects like ‘Bharosa’ and ‘Berukhi’ to her credit within a short career span. With her vibrant personality and on-fleek style, she is also one of the top favourites of designers and social users alike and boasts a massive fan following across her social media handles.