Shah Rukh Khan’s rib-tickling Twitter witticism is back as he held an #AskSRK session, answering fans’ questions with crackling humour. Taking on Twitter, the Filmfare winner tweeted that he has some spare time amid shooting to do a rapid Q&A session. “Away shooting. Been told the call time is a bit later. So think can do a faasssttt #AskSRK with u all if u are also free like me! Let’s start and ask for anything.oops ask anything!!! I mean.” Responding to one fan who asked him for an update on his upcoming much-anticipated Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, the King Khan said, “#Dunki is done and very beautiful. A little like life itself!!” With SRK’s previous two films being the hallmarks of action, one fan couldn’t resist asking whether his new movie has any high-octane thriller. “#Dunki is all funny and emotional. It’s Raju sirs world mere bhai. I’ve slid in some action. Not sure whether Raju sir would keep it or not. He’s also the editor, no)!” he mused. Amid the Q&A session, the 3 Idiots director quipped that he has been waiting for the star to get out of the bathroom to show him the trailer. “Sir, please get out of the bathroom now. What are you doing? I want to show you the trailer. #AskSRK” Continuing his witticism, Khan said, “Oh ****. I was talking to friends)! Sorry, boys and girls have to rush now. Or I’ll be kicked out of Dunki! Thanks for your time, boys and girls. See you in the theatres very, very soon. Love u all. So much to do less time to talk to you.Muah,” (sic).