Caretaker Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Murtaza Solangi said on Thursday that notification regarding the ban on Rs5,000 currency notes was fake. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the minister said that the government would take strict action against those spreading such fake notifications. The fake notice, dated September 7, 2023, stated that the said currency note will be banned by the end of this month under a “significant policy change” by the government. The false notice also advised the citizens and financial institutes to exchange or deposit the Rs5,000 currency notes at authorised banks by the said deadline as they will no longer be legal tender after that. However, a fact-checking department operating under the MoIB disproved the notification and the alleged upcoming ban on the said currency notes, terming it “fake news”. The Fact Checker MoIB shared the fake notification on their official account on X – formerly known as Twitter, to clarify that there is no such policy change or ban on the Rs5,000 note. “Disseminating #FakeNews is not only unethical and illegal but it is also disservice to the nation. It is the responsibility of everyone to reject irresponsible behavior. Reject #FakeNews,” the MoIB’s fact checker body wrote on X.