Sir: It is always sad to hear about the death of an animal at the Lahore zoo. I am a Pakistani veterinarian currently working in Australia. I would like to highlight some of the possible ways to reduce diseases in the captive animals. I know there is shortage of experienced and well trained vets in zoos because mostly regular vets are inducted to do zoo work, whereas around the world there is a specialised training in caring for zoo animals. Trypanosomiasis is said to be the cause of deaths of the tigresses. It is basically a tick borne disease that can be treated and prevented by taking hygienic precautions and removing the ticks from the environment. Ticks not only suck blood and cause anaemia but also transmit diseases from one animal to others.The solution lies in multiple approaches from the management of the zoo. Some of the immediate steps would be:n Involving the university vets in diagnosing diseases.n Treating the environment and trying to get rid of ticks from around the animals by using special treatments that are available in the market.n Regular physical check-ups of all the animals.n Liaison with other zoos around the region and the world, especially countries like Australia, South Africa and warm area zoos in the US, which have similar environments as Pakistan.n Training 2-3 vets in international zoos.n Good on site vet hospitals and laboratories. n Management of the zoo to be more proactive and ones that have keen love for animal welfare and well-being.n High quality food for the animals.DR AYUB KHANVia email