Sir: I agree with the analysis presented in Rasul Bakhsh Rais’ “Whose war is this?” (Daily Times, October 30), as well as the solution proposed. When the Lal Masjid operation took place, I was of the view that the government has lost an opportunity to mobilise Pakistani society on its side. I also believe that the government should have pressured religious parties to openly and categorically condemn this action against the state and formulate a strategy that could be implemented to handle such incidents in the future. It would save us from making moral dilemmas out of situations of terrorism.Also part of the problem are our own analysts and intelligentsia who, overwhelmed by the anti-Musharraf sentiment, can see no evil except him. And, as Dr Rais points out, prefer to sympathise with the terrorists because it serves their political interests.BILAL TANWEERVia email