Sir: The recent protests by doctors of Services Hospital, Lahore have blocked traffic along Jail Road and caused a lot of inconvenience to the residents of Lahore. I myself was one of those trapped in the terrible traffic jam for hours. If the doctors have a grievance against the government they should convey it to the concerned authorities instead of stopping traffic and barring people from reaching their colleges, homes or offices on one of the busiest roads in Lahore. With all due respect to those involved, it is unfortunate to note these are people from the ‘educated masses’ of Pakistan — the doctors, the lawyers and some of the political parties — who have now made a common habit of coming out on the roads and creating unnecessary inconvenience for others. Those who wish to exercise their democratic right to protest should by all means do so, but in peaceful and productive ways that gets their concerns across without creating a nuisance for the common man.ANWAR KHALIL SHEIKH Lahore