Sir: The rowdy scenes witnessed in parliament in the first session after the disqualification of the Sharif brothers were most unfortunate. In fact, these ridiculous scenes forced one to recall the petty politics of the 1990s. Instead of fighting among themselves like children, the elected representatives to the national legislature of Pakistan should have displayed better judgement and behaviour. Why could they not behave themselves and be civil while discussing political matters? It is behaviour like this which antagonises and disappoints all political actors and, most of all, the people of Pakistan who voted in these imbeciles with such high hopes in February 2008. It is difficult to predict what will come out of this most unfortunate situation, but one thing is for sure: the people of Pakistan are bitterly disappointed and have been let down badly by those that vowed to be the saviours of the country after almost a decade of dictatorship. What a shame.RANA NABEELLahore