Sir: This is with reference to Hassan Kilde Bajwa’s letter “Banning critique”. (Daily Times, October 31) I fully agree with Mr Bajwa about the ridiculous and oppressive nature of the proposal put forth by the parliamentary committee on information and broadcasting. Criticism is healthy for the growth of a culture of democracy and accountability; with the growth of the media in Pakistan over the last few years, we have hopefully put those days behind us when the only broadcaster was state-owned and singing praises of whoever was in power. While there is definitely a need for the media to behave responsibly and fulfil its duties while enjoying its rights, this responsibility needs to be cultivated from within the sector, not imposed by the government or the state, as that is a recipe for disaster. We do not even need to look at another country or go too far in the past to see what results when the government tries to clamp down on the media: the several run-ins the Musharraf regime had with the media are classic examples.Therefore, instead of trying to cover up its problems, shortcomings and mistakes through gag orders, the government should instead promote accountability, self-review and improvements in its performance.MOHAMMAD KHUSROLahore