Sir: As long as the ruling elite class’ mindset is not changed, they will do everything to safeguard the status quo. This means that 75 percent of the population will remain illiterate, 40 percent will continue to live below the poverty line and 25 million children will remain out of school. How can one hope that after another 50 years Pakistan will be a developed country? Those who are now young will not be educated citizens in future if a plan is not made and implemented to ensure that all children attend school. Unfortunately, all those in a position of power to bring about a change are busy in safeguarding the status quo, including leaders of political parties and heads of state institutions and establishments. The question is why those who are protecting the status quo not realising that it is also in their own interest that every citizen achieves a minimum standard of quality life. Why are they so afraid of change? It is imperative to change the status quo prevailing in the country. It is also essential that all citizens have equal rights irrespective of their faith if we want Pakistan to emerge as a successful country. S T HUSSAIN Lahore