Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi and Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar laid the foundation stone for the expansion project at the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh on Friday. The initiative also marked the inauguration of the Nazrana Online app and the corridor’s expansion. Through Nazrana Online, devotees from anywhere in the world can present offerings at the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh. Mohsin Naqvi was briefed that the app would also allow foreign residents to distribute langar from their own countries. Similarly, cleanliness & security staff and khadmeen would also receive offerings through the app. The app enables 24/7 access to the inner sanctum of the shrine for devotees. The expansion project includes the construction of a new langar khana and commercial kitchen. Additionally, there will be the establishment of an administration block, executive VIP lounge, dining hall, and garden. A library and museum will also be set up at the Data Ganj Bakhsh complex. Furthermore, 17 Kanals of land would also be acquired in front of the Golden Gate for the expansion of the complex. After the ceremony, caretaker CM Mohsin Naqvi and Federal Minister Ishaq Dar addressed the media. Ishaq Dar congratulated Mohsin Naqvi on commencing the expansion project at the shrine and declared it as the third major expansion. Mohsin Naqvi expressed that the launch of the Nazrana Online app would provide convenience to both local and foreign devotees. The expansion project aims to bring ease and convenience for visitors to the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh. The project had previously undergone expansion during Nawaz Sharif’s tenure in 1999 and its rewards will be perpetual, declared Ishaq Dar. Among the attendees at the occasion were the caretaker minister & secretary Auqaf, SMBR, secretary information, commissioner & DC Lahore, CCO, chairman PITB, DGPR and others. In accordance with the directives of Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi, an extensive security plan has been put in place for Muharram-Al-Haram and the Day of Ashura, mobilizing the entire administration and police force of the Punjab government. Chief Secretary Punjab, Zahid Akhtar Zaman, and IG Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, conducted a visit to inspect the main procession route in Rawalpindi. Provincial Minister Dr. Jamal Nasir and Additional Chief Secretary Interior, Shakeel Ahmed, were also present during the visit. The officials, accompanied by the peace committee, inspected the route of the main procession, including Imam Bargah Colonel Maqbool and Imam Bargah Qadimi, they also inspected the monitoring mechanism of control room established in Municipal Corporation. Provincial Minister Jamal Nasir said that Chief Minister Punjab has entrusted the provincial ministers with the responsibility of overseeing the security arrangements. Emphasizing the importance of maintaining law and order during Muharram, the Chief Secretary assured that all possible measures have been taken, and the administration, police, and law enforcement agencies are working diligently day and night. He expressed satisfaction with the cleanliness and other arrangements made for the event. In case of rain, the Chief Secretary directed that the procession route should be kept clear to ensure smooth proceedings. Highlighting the significance of religious harmony, unity, and consensus, the Chief Secretary commended the role of peace committees in fostering an atmosphere of peace and brotherhood. Meanwhile, the IG Punjab assured that security will remain on high alert throughout the processions and gatherings. He said that Intelligence-based operations are being carried out to ensure fool-proof security, and the cooperation of scholars is being sought to maintain law and order. On the Day of Ashura, a substantial force of 6,000 personnel in Rawalpindi and more than 100,000 personnel across the province will be deployed for security duties. The Divisional Commissioner, RPO, Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi, and other relevant officers also participated in the security assessment.