It has been a century since the creation of the masterpiece based on the famous and beloved folk tale of Sohni Mahiwal by the world-renowned artist, Ustad Allah Bakhsh. Painted in 1923, this artwork stands as a testament to the enduring talent and creativity of the artist. Since 1996, this remarkable piece has been displayed at the Alhamra Art Museum in Qaddafi Stadium, and resorted in 2016 by CKU Danish Centre of Art & Culture. This painting is captivating the attention of visitors from all walks of life. Ustad Allah Bakhsh’s painting takes viewers on a captivating journey, allowing their imaginations to soar to new heights. Executive Director Alhamra, Muhammad Saleem Sagar pays homage to this exceptional modern artist, acknowledging that Allah Bakhsh’s artworks continue to be the crown jewel of the Alhamra Art Museum. These works leave a profound and lasting impression on the minds of those who behold them. Today, young artists eagerly study and draw inspiration from Allah Bakhsh’s masterpieces.