Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi inspected the medical facilities provided to patients in various wards of Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi. When the CM inquired about the hospital facilities, patients and their attendants voiced numerous complaints regarding the inadequate treatment facilities provided to them. During the visit, it was discovered that several air conditioning units in different wards were not functioning properly. Patients were compelled to wait for hours for X-rays, tests, and check-ups. In some cases, duty doctors were absent from their assigned wards, resulting in patients enduring inadequate treatment facilities. Furthermore, patients on stretchers were being treated in the corridors of the hospital. The patients and their attendants expressed frustration, noting that immediate action is only taken when they grease the palms of the staff. They also mentioned the scarcity of medicines in the hospital, which forced them to arrange medications from external sources. Expressing strong dissatisfaction with the substandard treatment facilities, CM reprimanded the medical superintendent and hospital administration. He also expressed displeasure over the behavior of doctors and paramedics towards the patients. Mohsin Naqvi highlighted that he has encountered similar conditions in other hospitals as well. He emphasized that every patient has the right to access quality and prompt medical facilities. Consequently, he directed to ensure the provision of high-quality medical facilities and to improve the overall situation in the hospital. Naqvi also presided over a meeting at his office to assess the progress of ongoing development projects in Lahore. He emphasized the need to expedite the completion of the Samanabad project within a few days and promptly address any factors causing delays in other development schemes. The timely functionality of the Samanabad project is crucial to enhance public convenience, while steps should be taken to ensure the timely completion of the Shahdra project due to the prevailing traffic issues faced by the citizens, he said. During the meeting, various projects were discussed, including the elevated expressway, CBD main boulevard scheme, and technical aspects of the main boulevard Gulberg to Walton signal-free corridor project. The meeting also reviewed the pace of work on the Nawaz Sharif Interchange Underpass, the Arfa Karim Tower to Pine Avenue project, and the Ghora Chowk, Khalid Butt Chowk, and Akbar Chowk projects. Provincial Minister for Housing Azfar Ali Nasir, chairman P&D, secretary C&W, secretary finance, commissioner Lahore/DG LDA, deputy commissioner Lahore, and others attended the meeting. Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab has also condoled the death of a youth in Gujrat due to strangulation and extended heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved heirs. He has also sought a report from the IG police and directed that departmental action be taken against the officials responsible for the negligence leading to this tragedy. Expressing his strong displeasure, CM emphasized his concern about the persistent occurrence of kite-flying incidents, despite the ban. He regarded such incidents as deeply regrettable. In response, he issued strict instructions for the vigorous enforcement of laws prohibiting kite flying across the province. Additionally, he stressed the need for an effective crackdown on individuals who violate these laws, to curb this dangerous practice. CM sought a report from the Lahore CCPO regarding the tragic incident of a child’s murder in Raiwind, which allegedly followed an act of molestation. He has firmly instructed for strict legal action to be taken against the apprehended suspect. The chief minister has emphasized the importance of ensuring justice for the grieving family and affirmed that the perpetrator responsible for such a horrific crime will face consequences. Additionally, he has expressed sincere condolences to the bereaved family and reassured them of his commitment to delivering justice.