The fossilised remains of a previously unknown type of dinosaur have been discovered on the Isle of Wight. It is the first new species of armoured dinosaur discovered on the island since 1865, and it belongs to the same family as the ankylosaurs. Despite its intimidating appearance and blade-like armour, the giant reptile – named Vectipelta barretti – only ate plants. It was discovered in rocks dated between 66 and 145 million years ago. The name Vectipelta barretti is a nod to Professor Paul Barrett, who has worked at the Natural History Museum in London for 20 years. He said he was “flattered and absolutely delighted to have been recognised in this way,” and insisted “that any physical resemblance is coincidental.” Though the new dinosaur resembles the last ankylosaur discovered on the island, Polacanthus foxii, scientists believe the two species are not related. According to scientists, the recent discovery would have had more spiked armour in addition to different neck, back, and pelvic bones. The new species has more in common with ankylosaurs discovered in China, implying that they moved freely from Asia to Europe during the Early Cretaceous period. Stuart Pond, a researcher at the Natural History Museum, said the discovery shed light on the diversity of species present in England at the time. He stated that the discovery would prompt the reanalysis of other similar fossil remains that scientists had assumed belonged to P foxii for well over a century. The team behind the discovery said the Wessex Formation, where the new species was discovered, was a “hugely important” resource for learning more about how dinosaurs became extinct. There are competing theories about what caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago, with both an asteroid impact and massive volcanic eruptions in play.