The highly popular Pakistani television series ‘Parizaad’ became a blockbuster in 2021 and 2022, captivating viewers with its airing on the Hum Television Network. The drama gained immense popularity due to Ahmed Ali Akbar’s exceptional depiction of the main protagonist, Parizaad, who portrayed an average-looking individual with a dark complexion. Ahmed’s portrayal contributed to the drama’s enduring success, as audiences were captivated by the story and the overall reception of the series was overwhelmingly positive in Pakistan. The producers of the drama series ‘Parizaad’ have revealed that an Arabic version of the show will soon be aired on Hum TV’s special channel and social media platform, Hum Arabia. The Arabic adaptation, titled ‘Qareeban,’ meaning ‘This Way,’ has been teased in a collaboration post by Ahmed Ali Akbar, who shared the teaser on his official account and Hum Arabia’s account. To get a glimpse of the teaser, you can follow the link provided by Ahmed Ali Akbar and Hum Arabia. The release of the drama teaser sparked excitement among fans who initially believed it to be a teaser for the second season. Many fans eagerly inquired about the possibility of a season 2. However, it turned out that the teaser was actually for the Arabic version of the drama ‘Parizaad.’ Fans expressed their joy and congratulated the actors and the team behind ‘Parizaad’ for this new achievement.