Actor Salman Saqib Sheikh, better known as Mani, has been making waves in the Pakistani entertainment industry with his comic performances on both television and film screens. Recently, Mani played the character of Gaffar Ali, also known as ‘GA Muhajir’, in the ensemble film Money Back Guarantee (MBG), which stars Faisal Qureshi and other renowned actors. In an interview with a local media channel for the promotions of MBG, Mani talked about his role and the late televangelist Aamir Liaquat Hussain, who lauded his character and expressed his interest in playing it himself. Mani revealed that Faisal Qureshi offered him the character of GA Muhajir before anyone else and he was closely involved in developing the character and the script. He shared that he did not expect it to become an actual film, but he was surprised when everything got finalised. Mani also mentioned that Hussain lent his voice to The Donkey King 2, a movie that has since stalled and expressed his disappointment that his friend would not be there to watch MBG. Mani also spoke about the influence of Aamir Liaquat Hussain on the entertainment industry, specifically his contribution to popularising Ramadan shows in Pakistan. MBG, a political satire, was released worldwide on April 21, 2023, and has received mixed reviews with praise for Fawad Khan’s performance. Mani’s role as GA Muhajir in MBG has added another feather to his cap, cementing his position as a versatile and talented actor in the Pakistani entertainment industry. His tribute to Aamir Liaquat Hussain and his contribution to the industry shows the importance of recognising and honouring those who have helped shape the industry into what it is today.