District and Sessions Judge of Islamabad Abbas Shah on Saturday adjourned Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rasheed’s case for accusing former president Asif Zardari of conspiring to kill Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan. During the hearing, Sheikh Rasheed’s lawyers submitted the copies of applications, filed in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) to nullify the case against him, to the court. As a result, the hearing of the case was adjourned until June 3, as the matter was already being heard in the IHC. On February 27, Sheikh Rasheed had accused Asif Zardari of conspiring to kill Imran Khan. Following these allegations, cases were registered against him in Islamabad, Murree, Karachi, and Quetta. On February 1, Sheikh Rasheed was arrested from Rawalpindi, but was later released on bail.