The Algerian government recently hosted a reception to honor Imam Walid Mehsas, who has gained international recognition for his kind treatment of a cat during Taraweeh prayers. Minister of Religious Affairs in Algeria, Dr Youssef Belmahdi, met with Imam Walid and commended him for his act of kindness towards the feline. In a viral video that has been viewed millions of times on social media platforms, a cat was seen perching on the shoulders of the imam while he continued to recite Teraweeh prayers. The imam, identified as Walid Mehsas from Algeria, garnered immense praise and admiration for his compassionate treatment of the animal. Following the widespread attention received by the video, the Algerian government decided to honor Imam Walid with a reception in recognition of his noble act. The video has since gone viral across the globe, earning the imam widespread admiration and respect.