Late Bollywood actor and director Satish Kaushik’s manager Santosh Rai has revealed about the actor’s last words before his death. Satish Kaushik suffered a heart attack while traveling in a car in New Delhi, due to which he died at the age of 66. The actor’s manager Santosh Roy revealed that when Satish Kaushik suffered a heart attack, he somehow realized that he would not be able to live anymore so he was saying ‘save me, I don’t want to die’. Santosh Roy detailed the night when Satish Kaushik bid farewell to the world, as he was with the actor. “Satish Kaushik finished eating at 8:30 PM, we had a flight to Mumbai at 8:50 on March 9, he told me, come on, Santosh, we should sleep early, we have to wake up early in the morning.’ The manager said, ‘I got a call from Satish ji at 11 at night asking to come and fix his phone’s Wi-Fi password as he had to watch Kaghaz 2 (a film directed by Satish Kaushik) for editing, after which he came back to his room’. According to Santosh Rai, at 12:05 he heard Satish calling him loudly, he ran into the room and the actor said I am having breathing problem, take me to the doctor. He said that we quickly sat in the car, along with his driver and bodyguard. As the car was moving towards the hospital he put his head on my shoulder and said ‘Santosh I don’t want to die, save me, I want to live for my daughter Vanshika, I think I won’t survive, take care of my wife and daughter’. According to Santosh, soon after that Satish stopped talking and remained unmoved.