Simply worded, Stroke is a disease featured by blockage of the major arteries, as a result of which, the oxygen supply is depleted, leading to death or disability. While there are several kinds of Strokes, such as Ischemic Stroke, Hemorrhagic Stroke, and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), triggered by several factors, the most common type is Hemorrhagic Stroke. The increasing incidence of Stroke and lack of infrastructure in both urban and rural areas increase the high proportion of young Stroke with poor Stroke outcomes. Specific medical care is not readily available and is almost non-existent in semi-urban and rural areas. The statistics for qualified neurologists are even more dismal, with one neurologist per one million population. With increasing stress, competitive lifestyles, unhealthy food, pollution, and sedentary routines, health, in general, has been compromised. We have seen a rise in the number of Stroke patients coming into emergencies, especially between the ages of 15-49. In fact, Stroke has become one of the major causes of mortality. Stress/hypertension is a medical condition and generally a trigger to a Stroke. Its recognition and awareness are crucial to combat the onset of this paralyzing state. The affliction of Stroke in Asian countries is particularly high as compared to the developed world, primarily due to the low-quality management against hypertension. Subsequently, it is imperative to treat Stroke effectively by creating awareness about early symptoms and by early diagnosis of hypertension, and, if it does occur, by prevention of or reduction in the cognitive impact as a result of the Stroke. Prevention is better than cure. Since Stroke is multifactorial, those who are at risk must be aware of the amount of exposure and stay clear of those risk factors. The best place to start is to identify current health issues to understand and gain knowledge about risk factors. Therefore, medical professionals must guide patients with hypertension about disease management, including medication obedience, physical activity, and healthy dietary intake. Of course, hypertension contributes to Stroke on its own; however, lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and poor dietary habits must be avoided to prevent the risk of Stroke. While preventive care is crucial, post-incident care is equally important to minimize the damage. Stroke is a potentially life-changing occurrence that can leave patients with permanent physical and emotional disabilities. A possible recovery from a Stroke or a less severe impact involves therapies and support systems: Speech therapy: speaking and understanding speech becomes the first apparent effect of a Stroke incident. Practice, relaxation, and changing communication style can make verbal abilities easier to manoeuvre. Physical therapy: this enables a person to relearn mobility and coordination. It is important to stay physically active, although this may be difficult in the first few days following a Stroke. Occupational therapy: this can help the patient improve their ability to do daily chores, such as bathing, cooking, dressing, eating, reading, and writing. Support groups: joining a community group helps a person cope with common mental health issues post-Stroke, such as depression. Generally, people find it easier to share similar experiences and emote at the same wavelength. Support from friends and family: close friends and family members must try to offer hands-on support and comfort after a Stroke. Healthy lifestyle: prevention is better than cure and working with healthy routines, exercise, a good diet, hobbies and family time become very important to be part of our regular schedules. So, lifestyle change tops the list. Healthy diet: being overweight increases your risk of Stroke. To maintain a healthy weight, ensure that your Body Mass Index (BMI) falls in the right bracket. This also means that you must stop smoking, stay physically active, and avoid alcohol. Including plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts in your diet will help reduce cholesterol. Controlling your medical conditions: it is important to talk to your doctor about how to lower the risk of Stroke. For instance, if you have heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, you need to be very vigilant about your diet and lifestyle in order to reduce the risk of Stroke. Keep a check on your cholesterol; control your blood pressure – this is important because, usually, high blood pressure has few symptoms, such as a headache, and people tend to sleep it off. So, it is all the more important to have it checked regularly. Controlling diabetes and keeping an eye on your sugar levels is another part of preventing a Stroke incident. If you have certain heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease or irregular heartbeat, your doctor may recommend medical treatment or surgery. Taking care of heart problems can help prevent Stroke. Lastly, just to drive home a point, all of this may help, but it is not a replacement for a healthy diet, regular exercise, and consultation with your doctor in your continuous fight against stress or mental health issues. The writer is Professor (Medicine/Neurology), Ziauddin University.