Alia Bhatt talks about her professional plans after Raha, calls daughter her first priority. Recently, Alia Bhatt attended an event in Mumbai with actor Varun Dhawan where she opened up about her career plans after daughter Raha. Alia, who is currently enjoying her maternity break, was asked at the event if she would slow down on her work front as she now has a daughter to look after too to which Alia replied saying there is a possibility that it might happen. On the other hand, Varun also intruded into the conversation and said that ‘she will never slow down.’ Bhatt went on to say: “My No.1 priority in my life right now is my daughter who I love deeply. But my first love, you can say is also a cinema and working. So, main koshish karungi. Shayad, it will be quality over quantity which is not a bad thing.” The Raazi actor gave birth to a baby girl with husband Ranbir Kapoor on November 6. The duo named the girl Raha. So far they have not revealed the face of their daughter as they have decided to keep her hidden by the world until she turns 2. They also requested the paparazzi about the same at a public event.