The viral pictures of Lollywood diva Iman Ali, flaunting her glamorous avatar in a Saree, have set social media on fire. After setting the red carpet of the ‘Tich Button’ premiere ablaze last week, the star is here to break the internet with gorgeous pictures and a reel of the same look, going viral on social media. The diva looked breath-taking in an embellished black chiffon saree by the veteran designer Mehdi. Ali was dolled by makeup artist Wardah Usmani in classic smoky eyes and nude lips, paired with big voluminous hair to absolutely slay the red carpet. Her look was loved by social users on the gram and drew numerous compliments from her fans and showbiz fellows alike. About ‘Tich Button’, the multi-starrer flick is headlined by Farhan Saeed, Feroze Khan, Sonya Hussain and Iman Ali. The musical entertainer follows the story of “Kaka, a young man, who helps Saqib when he refuses to marry his cousin Shakeela. As a result of this refusal, complications kick in and a pile of lies generate. As the story unfolds, Leena, a girl from Turkey enters this triangle and what follows is a story of mishaps and love.” Alongside the main cast, the film features an ensemble supporting cast comprising of veterans Sohail Ahmed, Qavi Khan, Gul-e-Rana, Samiya Mumtaz and Noor-ul-Hassan in pivotal roles. Urwa Hocane marks her production debut with the film and is joined by Jerjees Seja and Farhan Saeed as co-producers. President and CEO of ARY Digital Network, Salman Iqbal is the Executive Producer. The Qasim Ali Mureed directorial, ‘Tich Button’ hit theatres on November 25 and scored a bumper opening of Rs 5 crore in the first weekend.