Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has said that promoting tolerance through mutual understanding among people is the need of the hour. In his message on international day of tolerance, the CM said that in this era of growing extremism and violent conflicts, the importance of tolerance and patience is increased more than ever. Ending hate, intolerance and prejudice is only possible with love, tolerance and agreement, he said and added, “Let us make the world a better place for everyone to live with tolerance. Be tolerant and walk the path of tolerance as the world is already mired in countless problems due to intolerance. We have to follow the path of tolerance to keep society peaceful.” The CM said that the blessed life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the best example of tolerance and patience as he adopted a tolerant attitude even with antagonists. “The religion of Islam teaches us to be peaceful and tolerant and society also requires such societal norms,” he added. The CM maintained that positive thinking and best behaviour should be adopted to overcome intolerant attitudes and an attitude of tolerance should be adopted. New administrative units to benefit masses: Punjab Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Pervez Elahi said on Wednesday that the new administrative units/districts and tehsils would provide real relief by solving public problems at their doorstep. He expressed these views in a meeting with MPAs Malik Umar Farooq and Mian Waris Aziz here at his office. The meeting discussed the political situation and the MPAs apprised the Chief Minister about the development projects in their constituencies and Baba Guru Nanak international Kabaddi tournament in Dijkot. The CM assured to review giving the status of a tehsil to Dijkot on the request of Malik Umar Farooq and said that new districts and tehsils have been created for the convenience of the people. Similarly, the 100-bed wards would be added to Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology along with the acquisition of cardiologists from abroad, he said. He announced to inaugurate Samanabad Hospital besides reviewing the provision of land for the press club during his next visit to Faisalabad. Principal Secretary Muhammad Khan Bhatti was also present. Meeting of Cabinet Standing Committee on Law,Order held: Provincial Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Environment Protection and Cooperatives Muhammad Basharat Raja on Wednesday directed to provide all possible facilities tothe media for the coverage of long march. Presiding over the meeting of the Cabinet Standing Committee on Law and Order held at the Civil Secretariat, he said that the media should not have any problem in covering the long march. Additional Chief Secretary Home Punjab Captain (retd) Asadullah and other officers participated in the meeting. The committee made a detailed assessment of security of the next phase of the long march and issued instructions. The administration and police officers of the concerned districts gave a briefing. Basharat Raja said that a security plan would be prepared before the arrival of the long march in Rawalpindi.