Pakistani actress Mehwish Hayat is a powerhouse of beauty and talent. With a number of hit movies to her credit like Punjab Nahi Jaungi, London Nahi Jaunga and Load Wedding, she is a force to reckon with in the Pakistani showbiz industry. Having a huge fan following on social media platforms, Hayat keeps her fans and followers updated about her professional and personal engagements. Recently, Hayat shared some beautiful pictures from her photoshoot that was done at the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, in Dubai. Wearing a glittering dress designed by Naeem Khan, the 34-year-old actress was seen striking some sensual poses for the cover of a fashion magazine. “On the top of the world,” she captioned her Instagram post carrying her latest pictures from the photoshoot. On the work front, Hayat recently starred in the blockbuster Marvel series Ms Marvel and the Eid release London Nahi Jaungi. Both projects have been successful and Hayat’s performance has been commendable.