Sir: I hail from the Bagar Sargana village, Khanewal, and happen to know the poor condition of the primary portion of the Government Girls High School, Bager Sargana, where two rooms of the school were damaged in rains, and girls have to sit under the sky without furniture. Luckily, one NGO agreed to provide shelter, as well as furniture, for the students. The prescribed pro forma, with details of expenditure and synopsis, was presented to the District Coordination Officer (DCO), Khanewal, for his signature to proceed further. The government has to share nothing, nor does the DCO have to sanction funds for the school. His attestation was merely a formality. I contacted the DCO’s personal assistant who informed me that the DCO was in the office and I could meet him at any time up to 3:00 pm. I reached the office at 11:00 am and the personal assistant informed the DCO. But I was not allowed to enter as the DCO was busy with local journalists. Some other visitors were also waiting for a meeting with the DCO for redressal of their grievances. After one and a half hours, I was told the journalists were being served high tea. It was 1:15 pm when the DCO suddenly left the office without any intimation of his schedule. The assistant hoped that the DCO would return soon. I decided to wait as it was not easy for me to visit again. At 2:00 pm the assistant came to know that the DCO had reached the public school for attending some meeting. He again advised me to wait. I waited till 3:30 pm when the assistant told me that the DCO might not visit the office today. I left my application there for which the DCO has no time so far. Such attitude is generally adopted by administrative officers with the poor citizens of Pakistan. M Jahangir Shahid Bagar Sargana, Khanewal