Sir: The government has ordered the concerned companies to verify all mobile SIMS through biometric impressions otherwise the unverified SIMS will be blocked. Now, every user of a mobile phone is seen anxious to get his SIM verified. This has created a great difficulty for those persons who have been using unverified SIMS. A large number of people are seen standing in long queues outside the franchises of various mobile phone companies. Last time when I went to a franchise for the verification of my SIM, I saw an old man there who had also come to verify his SIM. However, the fingerprints of his thumb had vanished with the passage of time as he was very old. Moreover, he was not willing to verify his SIM on someone else’s name. There are thousands of such senior citizens who are facing the same problem. Through your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the relevant authorities to this issue. The concerned companies should also facilitate senior citizens and solve this problem at the earliest. SHEIKH ALI MURRAD Lahore