Sir: The Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) observed a countrywide strike on February 2, 2015 in order to protest against the kidnapping and assassination of doctors in Karachi. The main purpose of this strike was to call upon the government to provide financial aid to victim doctors and their families. It was also part of the PMA’s agenda that doctors should be allowed to carry weapons with valid licences for their protection. However, the day passed and the government did not pay any heed to the demands while no step has been taken to stop such ongoing criminal activities against doctors in the country. Amid all this, patients from across the country suffered badly due to non-availability of doctors. Neither the government nor doctors paid any heed to the plight of patients. Through your newspaper, I request the government and concerned officials to take solid steps for bringing an end to these killings and abductions of doctors. MUHAMMAD HASSAM SIDDIQI Karachi