Sir: While Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) may be doing miserably on all counts, its performance in terms of pleasing its political masters has never been wanting. It continues to support the deplorable VIP culture by maintaining preferential ‘parliamentarian counters’ at the Karachi and Lahore airports. These parliamentarian counters are discriminatory, demeaning and insulting to the ordinary citizens of Pakistan. Scores of complaints on this issue have been made to PIA and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). However, these departments are too insensitive and callous to respond to these complaints, leave aside taking any action on them. This is a public appeal to the heads of PIA and the CAA to discontinue supporting these inequitable practices and to the ‘people-friendly’ politicians to stop receiving such preferential colonial treatment. Let those who are forever talking about the people at least learn to stand in the same queue with them. NAEEN SADIQ Via Email