Sir: The entire nation is happy that for the first time in the history of Pakistan, concrete efforts were made and action was taken to root out the menace of religious extremism and terrorism in the country, which were a hindrance to its potential of becoming a Muslim welfare state. As terrorism is deeply linked with religious extremism, it is imperative to eliminate its breeding nurseries and ban those political parties that are using Islam to achieve power. Those political parties having militant wings should also be asked to dismantle such wings in the shortest possible time otherwise they should be banned. The majority of people in Pakistan are suffering for the last three decades due to fake democracy prevalent in the country and politics is now a most profitable business for those who have the money to multiply their wealth. The parliamentary system of democracy has failed to serve the common man’s interest and solve the problems faced by the country. I know it is not for the army to involve itself in politics but which other state institution is capable of changing the destiny of the country? I hope the government will not disappoint all those who love Pakistan and want it be a great country ENGR S T HUSSAINVia Email