Sir: This is the tale of two convicts, whose execution of death sentence was deferred. Both were set to be hanged as they had exhausted all their mercy appeals. I am talking about Shafqat Hussain and Saulat Mirza. Saulat Mirza was about to be hanged on March 19 when his video statement was released in a dubious manner. The man on death row alleged that he committed crimes on the directions of MQM chief Altaf Hussain and Sindh Governor Ishratul Ebad. These are serious allegations and cannot be ignored. The MQM has vehemently reacted to his statement, its nature and timing. Leaving aside the objections of the MQM, a probe should be made to find out the truth and veracity of his statement. The other man to be executed was Shafqat Hussain, the convicted murderer of a seven-year-old boy. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and other such bodies raised objections to his conviction. Shafqat Hussain’s age at the time of commission of the crime became the issue. These organisations contend that he was barely thirteen not 23 at that time. Well, we need to investigate this matter because a human life is at stake. For the sake of justice, the execution could be delayed for a few more days till the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the parties. We should not sacrifice someone in haste. I hope that justice will be done in both these cases. JAVED BASHIRLahore