Sir: The banning of an academic debate on Balochistan, which was organised by the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), shows that the so-called guardians of the ‘national-interest’ have forgotten the demise of united Pakistan, which was a product of such ‘silencing’ tactics. How could a debate put up by a university in the second largest metropolitan city of the country, Lahore, to highlight the human rights violations in Balochistan, ‘malign’ Pakistan? One just wonders helplessly. Certainly the agencies are feeling nervous and have decided to use the entire force of the government to keep the rest of Pakistan ignorant of the true situation in Balochistan. But they fail every time. Every time the cry for justice, when it is suppressed, makes such a loud noise that reaches far beyond a discussion could ever.There is a long seething resentment caused by the feeling in Baloch people’s hearts of being neglected, deepened by the everyday disappearances and the brutal policy of ‘kill and dump’. Anytime now it could turn into a fire that might not be subdued by military force if the current policy does not stop.NIAZ BETABAwaran