Sir: Pakistan Army’s legendary veneration for Saudi Arabia is an eye sore for India. In 1970, Pak Army Aviation pilots were deployed in East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) to assist in the cyclone havoc and widespread social disorder. In 1971, I (then a young pilot) and another pilot were sent to join the Sri Lankan forces to assist in anti-insurgency operations. A sizeable Indian contingent was already in Sri Lanka, we were warned. Sure enough, an Indian intelligence officer Col Nanda, who along with his other colleagues, was also staying in the same hotel with us, made a crafty approach to befriend me, which I avoided. But he hounded me and after few attempts managed to catch my ear. He tried to convince me that Pakistan could no longer rely on the US or any other powerful country because of our bad economic policies and the looming crisis in the then East Pakistan. I reacted emotionally and told him point blank not to forget that Saudi Arabia was Pakistan’s most friendly country, and will always be there to help Pakistan monetarily, diplomatically and in many other friendly ways, and that India had her greedy eyes only on Arabia’s wealth. This had the desired effect. Col Nanda turned pale, his mood changed and he never approached the subject again. BRIGADIER (R) M NASEEM KHANRawalpindi