Sir: Our country has been facing many problems due to mismanagement, nepotism, bribery and other social evils. Everyone is crying and complaining against this ugly state of affairs. Our newspapers and TV channels speak on these issues but all in vain. Have we lost all norms and ethics? However, there are some exceptions and there are some people who may be termed as the symbols of cooperation and honesty. It gives me pleasure to introduce here some persons of a different kind in this jungle of dishonest people. They are a patwari (village accountant) with staff and a social worker in Rawalpindi. Why I am writing about them is to tell others to follow in their footsteps. Our family has been facing a blind property issue for the last one year. We knocked at every door but we were not provided justice. These were Haji Javed and Shaikh Anwar with their staff at Kurri Road Patwar Khana, Rawalpindi, who came forward and with their collective wisdom, the problem was resolved while they never demanded any bribe. It is a pleasant surprise that there are some government officials who help common citizens and solve their problems without any monetary benefit. Their example should be followed by all public functionaries and they should be honoured by all. SYED MUZAMMIL HUSSAINIslamabad