Sir: I still remember photographs published in newspapers and video clippings aired by news channels when Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Mian Shahbaz Sharif shifted his office to Minar-e-Pakistan in protest against load shedding during the previous PPP regime. In the protest office, the CM and his other cabinet members used to carry hand fans to decry the apathy of the PPP towards the misery of the general public due to the energy crisis. Now, the PML-N has taken over the country after befooling the nation. Shahbaz Sharif used to claim that the problem of load shedding would be resolved within months if the PML-N came into power. It is unfortunate that the CM is a leader who is not setting up a protest camp against power outages anywhere in Lahore when the problem has not been resolved even after the passage of almost two years of PML-N rule. I request that Mr Shahbaz Sharif, if he cannot live up to his words, should at least distribute hand fans, printed with the moniker of ‘Shahbaz fans’, among citizens so that we never forget his broken promises.HUMAIRA KHANLahore