Sir: China is known as a sincere ally and an all-weather friend of Pakistan. This friendship is not based on religious affinity or common culture, but on the reality of strategic and mutual economic interests. China’s foreign policy is based on friendship with every country on the basis of mutual respect, non-interference in the internal matters of other countries and promoting trade and business for the improvement of their people’s quality of life. It is a strange irony that our leadership has never tried to follow in the footprints of China that has made unbelievable progress and achieved economic growth in just 40 years. How had China adjusted its policies with the changing world? How important is education? Selfless leadership and death penalty for corruption are keys to good governance. There is a question: will Pakistan’s political leadership and civil bureaucracy, known for their weaknesses, be able to execute the $ 45 billion projects in time without receiving kickbacks and commissions? ENGINEER S T HUSSAINIslamabad