President Xi’s Shared Prosperity Model on November 3, 2024President Xi Jinping, since assuming office, has been a driving force in elevating China to unprecedented heights, not only in the country’s history but also in the global context. He possesses the qualities of a charismatic, pragmatic, and highly composed leader, rarely seen losing his temper, displaying worry, or revealing any personal anxiety. His humility […]
Anarchist Protestors and Shanghai Meeting on October 7, 2024For Pakistan, hosting the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting is indeed an honor, but in the current charged political, security, and law and order situation, it presents an immense challenge. In many countries, especially established democracies, protests during high-profile regional and international meetings are considered a normal and routine affair. A […]
Looming Iran-Israel War on October 2, 2024Iran has fallen into a strategic trap for the second time, and only with capabilities comparable to Israel’s military strength and allies as powerful as the USA and the West would Iran have any realistic fighting chance to safeguard its economic, industrial, and military assets. The formidable offensive and defensive military capabilities of Israel, the […]
Israel’s Ultimate Target on September 30, 2024On the fateful day of October 7, 2023, Hamas launched an attack on Israel, killing many of its soldiers and civilians and taking as many as 250 Israelis and other nationals hostage, aiming to use them as leverage to prevent any Israeli retaliation. The attack enraged both Israelis and Americans, prompting a robust, comprehensive, and […]
Constitutional Courts: A Step Toward Judicial Overreach? on September 27, 2024Many countries have established both a constitutional court and a supreme court to handle different aspects of their legal systems, particularly separating constitutional matters from other judicial issues. For instance, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, South Africa, and Poland have constitutional courts dedicated to ensuring laws comply with their constitutions, while their supreme courts handle civil […]
Vawda’s Crystal Ball on September 11, 2024Before switching parties, Mr Vawda made numerous predictions, but the majority of them never materialized, damaging the reputation of PTI’s government and eroding its political capital. I vividly recall one of his most outlandish and illogical predictions, made shortly after PTI assumed power in 2018. He confidently predicted that within a month or two, 20 […]
Xinjiang, Balochistan and FATA on September 6, 2024In Pakistan, we often adhere to the belief that force is the primary solution for dealing with terrorists, extremists, separatists, insurgents, and even civil unrest, whether it involves political, religious parties, students, or civil society. The prevailing notion is that if force doesn’t achieve the desired outcome, more force should be applied. In contrast, China’s […]
Overcapacity Dilemma on September 1, 2024We often do the opposite of what drives progress in developed nations. While wise nations protect, promote, respect, and honour their heroes, we have a history of persecuting them. Figures like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, and Liaquat Ali Khan were assassinated, while others like Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan and Imran Khan were imprisoned. We […]
Victory Has Many Fathers… on August 15, 2024It was deeply disheartening and revolting to witness the way our politicians, bureaucrats, and elites swarmed around Arshad Nadeem like vultures, each trying to claim a piece of his unprecedented victory at the Paris Olympics. As soon as he landed, he was handed a prepared statement to read during interviews. PTI’s social media brigade was […]
Lesson learned from Bangladesh… on August 8, 2024The student protests in Bangladesh which began in June 2024, in Dhaka, quickly spreading to other cities such as Chattogram, Comilla, Rajshahi, and Sylhet have taught numerous lessons to all pillars of the state – political parties, civil society, and students. Students should understand that if they perceive injustice, their genuine rights being usurped, meritocracy […]