Clash of the Titans; Alibaba, Ambani & E-commerce on January 21, 2019Platform where smart ideas once deployed at grand massive national or global scale become reality at much quicker pace over other traditional business models. What are the lessons for the micro-power-nations of Asia and if there is anything they can do or just stay as spectators? More on Titans… NDTV-Profit: Mukesh Ambani Outlines E-Commerce Plan […]
E-commerce Pakistan: Why is the world calling? on January 6, 2019One 100 million square feet of retail is shutting down in 2018 in USA alone. The message in the bottle; e-commerce has stolen the ocean of customers. They prefer commerce. What role are micro-nations playing on the global e-commerce high-seas and what role is Pakistan playing if any? Pakistan now at the crossroads as its […]
Midsize enterprise Pakistan: agenda 2019 on January 1, 2019Pakistan is an entrepreneurial nation;let’s face it because every citizen is naturally born entrepreneurial;it is the culture, family, friends and education system that slowly chips away entrepreneurial talents and all because their blind love prohibits them to allow giving free-wings, out-of-box thinking and entrepreneurial gusto. Their philosophy; stay very close, do what we tell you […]
Three magical strategies for Pakistan’s economy on December 13, 2018Without a doubt the entire world is passing through the eye of the needle. The miniaturization of commerce is a new and invisible force, the rapid commercialization of innovations and the fastest mobilization of entrepreneurial talents are new unstoppable compressions while the fears of pending global economic collapse are challenging all models, unfortunately, not all […]
The wars of incompetence on November 1, 2018There were over million world-class economists comfortably awake on the eve of the world’s largest financial collapse whom never saw the signs of crash. Similar scenes now emerge all over the world. For Pakistan, the world’s sixth most populated country is now at the crossroads of new prosperity. The geographical location provides brand new opportunities, […]
Why E-Commerce is doomed in Pakistan? on October 22, 2018Today, no other platform or business model is as powerful, quick and hugely profitable as E-commerce but Pakistan has not yet been able to capitalise on it in any grand way. Why? Three steps to fix it, so let’s go deeper. Overview, just when super techies like Steve and Bill were toying in Radio Shack […]