It would perhaps be right to believe that even while there are a number of areas in which we will need discussions with China, the most important foreign policy issue in the coming days will be relations with the United States (US) and the discussions that we will have with Secretary Pompeo when he is […]
PM Imran Khan’s Naya Pakistan and US-Pakistan Relations — III
The number of Afghans who sought refuge in Pakistan-after the Saur Revolution of April 1978 and the movement of Soviet troops into Afghanistan in December 1979 amounted to 5.5 million. Many to start with were looked after by Pakistani Pashtuns who, bound by Pashtunwali offered hospitality and protection to the refuge seekers who came from […]
PM Imran Khan’s Naya Pakistan and US-Pakistan relations Part — II
In 1994, when the Taliban burst upon the scene in Kandahar there was a reluctant recognition in Pakistan, that given their astonishing success they could perhaps bring peace to Afghanistan at a time when Pakistan’s efforts to mediate peace between the Afghan factions had failed. This was when the Americans had walked away from the […]
PM Imran Khan’s Naya Pakistan and US-Pakistan Relations — I
Prime Minister Imran Khan has inherited a troubled relationship. The least offensive way of describing it would be, in Foreign Minister Qureshi’s words, a “trust deficit” relationship. It is nevertheless a crucial relationship. The world is moving towards Multi-Polarity but for the moment, and for some time to come it is not just its military […]
The Gaza tragedy
As I write this on Thursday afternoon, a UN requested ceasefire of six hours has gone into effect with Hamas agreeing to cease firing its rockets and Israel holding back its aerial attacks. Before this ceasefire however, the figures of attacks carried out and the damage done in Gaza — 1,800 targets hit, killing 222 […]