The slogan of privatization is once again taking charge of political chanting among higher echelons of power. Political elite seems to fell for the same old argument of neo liberal gurus from international financial institutions that the root of all problems lies with loss making, inefficient and lethargic state owned enterprises, where corrupt and greedy […]
A realistic review of altered IHK
Indian BJP leadership despite of having befitting response to its violation of Pakistani airspace in February has remained successful in tricking their constituencies through presenting them the confrontationas a heroic display of valor and deterrence in otherwise of the actual shame, IAF bagged in skirmishes with PAF. Thanks to Indian jingoistic mainstream media pundits, whoeffectivelyboasted […]
Sustainability through urban planning
An alarming UN report last month sets alarm bells ringing with a forecast of Pakistan population expected to climb to 403 million by 2050. A country of 210 Million people with an annual growth rate of 2% is heading towards another uncontrolled urban sprawl. Enormous 60% of youth,with 5.8% unemployment rate,unable to findmeans of earning; […]