After Brexit, we do need a new political party just not like the ones weve already got on April 10, 2017Like a distant drum beat becoming ever louder, so talk of creating a new political party intensifies. I first heard the sound when I read Professor Stein Ringen’s blog dated 21 March. He stated flatly: “British parliamentary democracy now runs without opposition. The centre-left, the main population constituency, is without representation. This is the time […]
The Tories’ dismantling of the probation service really is a case of privatisation gone mad on May 15, 2016Privatising the probation services is privatisation gone mad. That is the only conclusion you can draw from a progress report by the National Audit Office on the Government’s plans, though it received little attention when recently published. Yes, you read that correctly: probation services – whose main task is to rehabilitate convicted criminals so that […]