Enough! on August 24, 2011The continuing violence in Karachi has held to ransom the nation’s desire for the peaceful transition of Pakistan from a history darkened with military dictatorships to a future enshrined in justice and democracy. Not only that, it is also a big challenge for both the Pakistan People’s Party’s (PPP’s) top leadership in particular and the […]
Social anarchy in England on August 15, 2011The London riots across the UK have left a majority of its population baffled. The riots kicked off as a result of the murder of a 29-year-old unarmed black youth, Mark Duggan, by British police. Mark was shot twice by the police and it was the bullet that hit him on the chest and penetrated […]
Revolutionary chaos in the Arab world on March 13, 2011The events that began in Tunisia and then quickly spread across the region from Egypt to Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen and to Libya have taken the political pundits by awe and surprise. The spectacular demonstrations have brought new life to the struggle against tyrants and authoritarian regimes throughout the Arab world. The news of the […]
Salmaan Taseer: a rock in the face of fanaticism on February 4, 2011During the 1930s, an English woman named Cristobel undertook a journey to the Indian subcontinent and joined the Indian independence movement. In Simla she married Dr Muhammad Din Taseer. At the time of the British Raj, for a woman of English descent to marry a native, adopt the name Bilqis Taseer and embrace Islam was […]
Lisbon Conference and regional peace in Asia on November 30, 2010With the recent claim made by General David Petraeus, commander of US forces in Afghanistan that “special forces are taking out up to six Taliban targets a day”, the future of the Afghan war might seem to bring favourable results for the 47 nation-strong war coalition whose military personnel are wrestling to defeat the insurgents […]