Under the direction of the Punjab government, the Lahore Arts Council started the singing competition titled “Voice of Punjab” on August 31. In this regard, a meeting was held here on Thursday to review the registration process of VOP at Alhamra Arts Centre, the Mall. The meeting was chaired by Executive Director Alhamra Farhat Jabeen. On the occasion, E.D LAC Farhat Jabeen said that the Punjab government is enthusiastically looking for young singers from the province of Punjab, under the leadership of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs Taimoor Masood Khan, Punjab is flourishing in the cultural sector. Jabeen said that “Voice of Punjab” would be the door to success for emerging singers. The “Voice of Punjab” will promote and develop singers in ghazal, song, and folk. Every singer must participate in this competition and take full advantage of this golden opportunity, she added. Auditions for Voice of Punjab will be held on August 31, the semi-finals will be held on September 2, and the finale would be held on September 2. Singers from all over the province up to age 35 years can register their selves. The Winners of the competition will be given cash prizes, shields and certificates. Merit and transparency will be the top priority in this competition,” as Alhamra continuously conducts programs, which serve the art and artists in different ways, said Jabeen.