After Pathaan, Jawan is another Shah Rukh Khan film which people are very much excited about. The film will feature a number of actors from the Bollywood and South industries. There were speculations that claimed Vijay Sethupathi had been roped in after Rana Daggubati decided to exit. Now the reports have been confirmed by a leading media portal that the Super Deluxe star is indeed in the film and he’ll be the main villain. Scroll below to read exciting scoop. Directed by Atlee Kumar, the movie will also feature, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Sunil Grover along with Yogi Babu, Simarjeet Singh Nagra and Manahar Kumar in the supporting roles. There are speculations that Deepika Padukone and Thalapathy Vijay will also make a special appearance. Coming back to the topic, Vijay Sethupathi who is currently the most trending South actor was expected to join the cast of Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan for an important role, but the reports wasn’t confirmed. However, Peeping Moon has finally confirmed that Vijay has indeed replaced Rana Daggubati as the main villain after he decided to leave the project due to ill health. A source close to the development said, “Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee were keen on casting Vijay Sethupathi after Rana Daggubati backed out of the film, citing scheduling conflict due to his ill health. SRK and Sethupathi share a great admiration for each other, and hence, when SRK himself offered Sethupathi this role in Jawan, he couldn’t refuse it. The Super Deluxe actor has altered his entire shooting diary to accommodate Jawan in between at SRK’s request.” Other than Vijay Sethupathi, Thalapathy Vijay will play a small role in the movie and interestingly, the actor is not planning to charge anything for the role. Atlee Kumar’s directorial Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan in the lead will be released on June 2, 2023, in five languages making it Khan’s first Pan India film.