Whether by the smallest of degree, a fluctuation in national interest rates can cause ripples across the economic spectrum, at times, leaving consumers worse off, than they originally were. The Central bank, earlier this week, took action to raise the levels to a little under a percentage point, and while, figures like these are constituent with the idea of marginality, they are a large building block for the cost of living crisis. Amounting the total up to about three per cent, one of the largest economies in the world, is setting itself up for economic haywire. With such steps, the Federal Reserve is encouraging the practice of savings, to cut the ever-so booming white hot inflation. While doing so, consumers will spend less in the economy, while attempting to gain an advantage from the increased interest rates. The problem lies when consumers are already at a crossroads. They need to spend, and unlike scaled economies, the externality of the US market always persists, accounting for a continuous push into the increased costs for borrowing. For consumers with selected banks, the interest rate was adjusted and announced, given YoY price hikes, therefore, a minimal shock to some. As for the others, it is a major hurdle for spending in an economy, where food stocks are low, and demand shocks are relatively volatile. The bottom line is, that people need to buy food, they need to buy fuel, and with an imbalance in the demand-supply equilibrium, a figure like that, just seems unlikely, if not disastrous. With Russia ready to block its energy reserves with multilateral unions, the world is seeking to adopt a better sense of pricing, and the concept of sustainability. Early in the Pandemic, the Fed slashed interest rates to zero for the concept of “easy money” to arise. This made it virtually free to borrow money. But the accessibility of narrating a money crisis also paved way for inflation. In a way, the Federal Reserve is backtracking on steps it took to ease the consumer burden. Critics may argue as to the timing of the news. With Russia ready to block its energy reserves with multilateral unions, the world is seeking to adopt a better sense of pricing, and the concept of sustainability. About the decision, the chair of the board of governors had this to say, “I do not think that the U.S. is currently in a recession,” he said, “and the reason is there are just too many areas of the economy that are performing too well.” All said and done, his actions do contradict his statements, however, they have a basis point, to assume a factual chronicle. The Oil and Gas industries, along with the hospitality sector took a major hit, and for what it’s worth, these two account for the largest GDP make-up. Relatively Smaller and low-impact industries, like the automobile, decided to take an efficient turn, taking lessons from before the pandemic into concern and carving a business model, able to give back to society. There was never a subsequent fall in GDP, because of the high volume of small-scale full frontals, which to be very honest, substantiated the regressive mainstream energy. Now, with less on-hand cash, consumers will be forced to spend less, but their needs are ever so higher. New Jobs Numbers for June were lower than expected. The US did not make that full throttle recovery, which was promised by the 2nd quarter of 2022. Instead, it’s going into unchartered territories, one only large firms predict to their advantage. BlackRock’s Rick Rieder expects more interest rate hikes in September. This would mean, a more than incorporated vision for the next year heading into quarter 4 of 2022 as well. An imitation of previous years, the hike would signify what is and could be, the greatest resistance to a recession. Now, as many may have wondered, the fed is in no way, lacking oversight. The Congressional mandate is well in place for this year well into next year, until a stable economy is produced, however, with an avenue of revenue-gaining strategies, the reserve, must act as a mediatory force, rather than a hesitant entity. But what is the global impact of this policy? Well, the Federal Reserve, unlike other national banks, controls a reasonable population of consumer satisfaction, making it the largest economic forecaster for nations and individuals across the world. An important point to note is that the IMF, along with other economic agencies rely upon the fed’s policies to distribute structural integration. Countries like Bangladesh, Ghana, and even Pakistan see themselves at a blurred point. One where borrowing costs are becoming more difficult and heavily dependent industries, such as infrastructural development faces an impossible diagnosis. Low-income countries like Ghana are also facing deficits which are harder to clear with a decades-old looming threat of a default. Now, with higher prices, tax reform in the African nation will shock more residents, sending mixed signals to the Federal Reserve. The only solution would be more stimuli in the hands of Americans directly. This way, the amount of impact globally, would shorten, while also catering for American needs, and Short run demand decisions. At the odd chance, that the fed disagrees, America could be facing a recession, not because of the cost of living, but because of the costs of saving, both economically and socially. The writer is a columnist and a linguistic activist.