Believing that covid would be the last of what the universe has planned for us was naive, to say the least. Who knew we as a nation would suffer so much to the point that now, we wish that things would have ended up positively but ended up quite the opposite. As we walked out from the hellfire gates of covid into what seemed to be a calm and natural ongoing future was all a veil. We have walked into what might end the human race…money. This new tax, this hoarding of money, something that is our fault individually on a small scale brought about issues on a national scale. It’s obvious, everyone knows, even me, someone who rarely ever turned her face towards all worldly politics has realized how our nation has failed us. All this talk about how we are almost on the edge of being a bankrupt nation while part of me knows that some individuals in our country who portray themselves as an angel-god gifted creatures-to this nation can easily give away half of their income, and we would be able to repay the loans which have now dug our grave. This realization overwhelms me as I know they can continue to live a luxurious life by just giving away half of what they have to the country they are ready to lay down their life for, yet are silent at such a crucial point in our existence. Thinking that covid would have been the worst phase that this filial would go through was foolish of us. It confuses me how the world works, to a child like me, it makes sense that as a man works their way up in the educational division works twice as hard and pays more tax? How is that fair, shouldn’t they pay half the tax for twice the work they do? Isn’t that democracy, integrity, equivalence? How is it that some people work hard for years to get to the part of their life where half of their earned money is taken away by high taxation, how is this Fairplay? Watching the news channels rarely but recently witnessed how our nation is in danger, people burning their rickshaws due to lack of money for exuberating petrol prices. There isn’t much time before the black market becomes common in our nation. Our government leaders become modest in front of the media while behind everything they show, they know they are rich enough to return if not all, then most of our tax and save this nation for which they fight to get a governmental position in… what’s the point if one day we won’t exist? How are we to exist if our leaders won’t save us at the crucial time that they speak of to lure us into voting for them. This doesn’t pertain to one specific government, but all. I remember being handed their booklets in my school and being told to collect money for a dam… what dam? Where is it? Why isn’t that money used for the grave we have so effortlessly dug for ourselves. Where does all our tax money go? Where do these donations apply? Knowing where they went, and being put to good use would encourage us to participate more but with no hint of where it vanished, it’s safe to assume that the government is getting corrupted day by day and filling their own pockets to fly away when things get too hard. Our nation’s integrity is going down the drain day by day. As people have started stealing money in the easiest of situations, the world around me feels more unsafe day by day. We are at that point in life that no one is ready to accept their flaws and use them as their strength. The thieves continue to lie and decide not to face the harsh reality which will eventually unravel. Thinking that covid would have been the worst phase that this filial would go through was foolish of us, these exhilarating prices have confined us more than the virus ever did, we are at that point that we think twice before purchasing wheat? What is this life that we are living? Theft continues to rise, it’s well known how Karachi is unsafe, women are told not to travel alone, and the fear of being shot, raped, kidnapped, or ridiculed is right around the corner, what is this nation that we have built, where is our patriarchy when it’s most needed. Everyone has hidden, thinking of travelling to another country as a solution, while it’s easier to work on what we have and to strive with it. This article is nothing more than angry writing revolving around the fact of how we have failed as a nation and how at the climax of our problems all leaders and their promises have vanished. This is the anger of a 17-year-old terrified of becoming an adult this coming year in such a nation. The writer is a freelance columnist.