Educational values, beliefs, approaches, philosophies and practices are undergoing constant changes under the effects of globalisation. The very objective of education has been development of the whole individual. The bare minimum level to attain this objective in the past agrarian-based society was to obtain basic or primary education and it was up to secondary education in the not very old industrial society. In the present borderless information-based society, education needs to make an individual able to accumulate the capacity to respond to the additional demands of this society of a globalised world today. It is not enough to enhance merely the capability of reading, writing and doing arithmetic; in the rapidly globalised world, there is a drastic need to revisit and re-conceptualise educational outcomes. Education in today’s world needs to raise a deeper understanding and sensitivity towards the environment, peace, cultural and social diversities, increased competitiveness, the need of reconsidering and revising gender roles and many of the other things crucial to be responded to today in a very sagacious way. Education prepares the individual to connect and live in harmony with the environment around him since globalisation has changed the size, nature, quality and dynamics of that environment. In today’s knowledge-based society, education essentially plays a key role in defining the future direction and status of any nation. Developed countries are mainly distinguished by their education systems, practices, and best educational institutions, especially higher education. The role of universities is of so much significance in the development of societies that the experts comment, “It enables a society to maintain an independent understanding of itself and its worlds.” ‘Of itself and its worlds’ is inclusive of the full range of the natural, human and social worlds as objects of understanding. Institutions of higher education should also aim at inspiring and enabling individuals to develop their capabilities at the highest levels. Not only that but also the ability to use that knowledge, understanding and a higher set of skills in the best interests of the country’s economy must be enhanced. In knowledge-based societies, the focus of education is always on individual needs and on the needs of society as a whole, and on the future needs and dynamics of society. However, the aim of education should also be focusing on best utilising the indigenous knowledge, practices and wisdom deeply rooted in society. That knowledge can be updated in the response to the modern society of today’s world but its actual wisdom and originality should also be reflected in some other ways to make it unique and original in the otherwise globalised version of education. This is not easy as it requires a deeper understanding of societal values, culture and educational philosophies. It is in fact a major challenge to realise the full potential of society by providing the best education system integrated with indigenous wisdom, knowledge and practices with the globalised version of the same. It does not only require tremendous intellectual work but also a deeper commitment as well in order to materialise this vision of education in the changing world of today. Another important factor to consider is to mobilise and convince the masses to understand and realise the fact that we need to transform our traditional and conventional society into a knowledge-based society in order to sustain well in future. It is a very important though difficult job, for many still view this as a westernisation of society. Expanding the capacities of governments, experts, civil society and communities through policy advice, developing training material and conducting training workshops, international conferences and information sharing is of utmost importance to meet the current requirements of education. It is also crucial to develop new standards of learning outcomes and their relevance to today’s knowledge-based society. Space for the testing of new ideas and innovations should always be welcomed, with enough space for this in order to avoid stagnation of the system. It must have the potential to be dynamic and have the capacity to adopt emerging traits by coping with the rapid changes in the global scenario effectively. The real challenge now, therefore, is to reform, create and develop educational systems and policies aiming at preparing an individual to work in a borderless economy and live in a global society, and also preserving and best utilising the indigenous knowledge and societal wisdom. In other words, we need to revitalise our education system to create citizens who can better relate themselves to a global scenario. Considering the increased economic globalisation and restructuring in the political systems of the world and the growing requirements of knowledge and information, it is inevitable that the education system needs to be changed at all levels, i.e. in terms of structure, function, curriculum and approach. Educational planners and policy makers must think seriously about the cost and consequences of not updating the education system as per today’s job market requirements and creating a workforce whose majority may be unable to compete according to the global competitiveness indicators. The state should realise and commit that it must give all its citizens the tools to succeed and provide leadership in the new global environment. Updating the education system and policies as per the requirement of future society in a globalised world is the only way to sustain in this highly competitive knowledge-based society. Although this is not an easy task in a country where access to even basic education is a big challenge and where millions are deprived of basic necessities of life, but as the old English saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. The writer is the Provincial Manager at the Strengthening Participatory Organisation (SPO), Sindh